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Comments from Ofsted:
Overall experiences and progress of children and young people:
'Staff take time to get to know the children. They know children’s individual needs and what is important to them. Children say that they have specific staff who they feel able to discuss their worries with and seek support from. This supports children to build trusting relationships with those who care for them.'
'Staff understand the risks for each child and implement safeguards when new risks arise. Professionals say that there is good communication with the staff. This ensures a multi-agency way of working in the best interests of the child.'
'Children are encouraged to access education. One child has made progress in their attendance. Staff support children with schoolwork and to look for part-time employment. This means that children are supported to reach their academic potential. Staff engage children in discussions about their identified needs, such as building resilience. Some staff are trained to deliver therapeutic interventions, which one child finds beneficial. Children feel able to discuss aspects of their care with staff. The manager also commissions some children to access equine therapy, which supports their emotional health needs.'
How well children and young people are helped and protected:
'Staff understand the risks for each child and implement safeguards when new risks arise. Professionals say that there is good communication with the staff. This ensures a multi-agency way of working in the best interests of the child.'
Click here to read our full Ofted report 2024
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